Saturday, December 13, 2008

PSO Christmas Parade of Lights

Tonight we went to the PSO Christmas Parade fo Lights. We had a great family night out. The parade was in downtowm Tulsa. it was a beautiful night, very weather ut unusually warm. I am sure that is the reason there were casts of thousands at the parade. Harry and I sat right in the middle of the street as soon as the closed the road so we were right up front. He LOVED it! His favorite were the high school bands that marched and the firefighters. We sat next to a really nice boy who helped explain the process of a parade to Harry and said that he would help him out during the event. He was really nice. The parade was a little shorter then usual because of the wind, we had no balloons! I don't know if Harry could have handled the balloons. He was awfully excited with the bands, trucks, floats, lights, horses, EVERYTHING!
After the Parade, we went to Braum's, Harry and Butch both got a Hot Fudge Sundae and I got scoop on Mint Chocolate Chip. By the end of our trip to Braum's, I had none and Harry was enjoying a scoop of Mint Chocolate Chip....uuuummmm!

1 comment:

Amy Flanagan said...

Thanks for sharing! I love to keep up with what you're up to and the boys love the pictures. Shea watches the videos over and over and over. Post more!