Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Been awhile!

Hello All! It has been a while since I blogged! 2010 has not been the best of years for the Johnson family. But things are getting better now!

October 4th, 2010, Butch, Harrison, and I welcomed a new member into our family, Richard Sullivan. There is great debate right now on whether he will be called Sullivan, Sully, or Richie. For the moment I call him Sullivan, I am sure that will changed since I switch back and forth on Harry or Harrison.

Harry has become a great big brother! He loves to hold, pat, hug and kiss Sullivan. He is a little disappointed that he isnt able to give Sullivan piggy back rides or teach him kung fu just yet. I have reassured him that soon one day Sullivan will be ready to play!

Harry started playing soccer this summer. The first game he scored 4 points! I have become the true definition of a soccer mom...screaming from the sidelines and cheering for the team. Butch was the coach of the team so it was very exciting for us. In December he starts Basketball...should be interesting!

We had a very exciting summer! I lost my job in April so Harry and I hung out and had a lot of fun. I joined a mommies group and it has been wonderful. I have made many friends and learned many things about being a stay at home mother. Harry and I spent our days at Sungate pool, Chuck E Cheese, and various playdates. Harry was most excited when he discovered he got a toy everytime we went to McDonalds and this summer they had Marvel Super Heros...Harry summer obsession.

September came Harry turned 4 at a wonderful Ben 10 celebration in our backyard with all his friends from Ms Helens Preschool. Since Harry turned 4, he graduated into Clover Club and is enjoying being bigger than the Sunshine Kids (3 yr olds). Harry loves his teachers in CC but still misses the conforting of Miss Monica every once in a while. He loves Miss Tara and tries very hard not to disappoint her. He worries greatly about getting Xs for misbehavior and not being able to participate in the Treasure Box on Friday!

As you know, the Fair comes at the end of every September. I LOVE THE FAIR! but being 9 months pregnant I missed out on the daily trips. I walked up a couple times before Sullivan came. Harry enjoyed hanging out with Butch and riding all the rides. I didnt have to argue with the carnies this year on whether he was tall enough to ride...that was nice! Sullivan arrive mid fair week...but dont worry I still got to go a couple times and fulfilled my need for corndogs!

Well, I promise to start updating more aften and soon. Hope you enjoy the pictures!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Harry playing his organ!

Sorry for the quality but I thought this was cute so I grabbed my blackberry.

Hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 Oklahoma Blizzard!

What could be better than to have your cousins in town for the FIRST EVER BLIZZARD in TULSA!
We played snowball fight (Uncle Roy taught Harry the definition of FACE WASH), built a snowman as tall as Uncle Richie, and had late night games of flashlight tag with our new headlamps from Grandma!

Christmas 2009

Ok so I am so far behind on updating my blog. I am not even going to try to catch up. I am just going to start from this day forward!

We start with the great day of decorating for Christmas! I always love this day. I get so excited when I see my Christmas decorations...especially those one I didnt have the year before but bought for 80% off the week after Christmas!

Cookie Time! Christmas is always a busy time in the Hillman household. We made dozens and dozens of goodies this year for our friends, Harry's teachers, and family!

Harry has been very excited about Christmas and was waiting patiently to see if Santa would bring him Batman City. He DID! that and a Train Table! Harry must have been a great kid this year because he made out like a ROCKSTAR!