Saturday, February 14, 2009

Let It SNOW!!!

So it finally snowed in Tulsa! Unfortunately Harry was sick so we didn't get to hang out side very long. Schools were closed as usual when it snows here. I was home from work with harry for three days. We both needed to get outside so when Butch got home from work each night we all bundled up and went out.
On the first night, I thought Harry how to do Snow Angels. He loved it and moved all around the yard doing snow angels. He was then amazed with the icicles hanging from the bumper of my car. He crawled through the snow completely around my car knocking off the icicles.

On the second night we went sledding down our street. Harry really enjoyed going really fast but most of all he wanted to pull Daddy.
Finally the snow began to melt! Harry had a friend come over to play on Saturday. Believe it or not but it was 70 degrees outside with ice on the ground....The boys really enjoyed being able to play outside. We went on a walk for treasure...sticks, poodles, and rocks...we found it all. Ire, the girl next door, also came over to play. I attempted to teach the tree of them how to play hop scotch. No they didn't get it but they had fun hopping around we each other.

1 comment:

Amy Flanagan said...

I can't believe he's big enough to wear that sweater!! They all grow up too fast!