Well, we rushed home from work this afternoon so that we could get Harry into this costume for the school's fall festival. Harry is a cowboy theis year for halloween. He seems to be really enjoying the cowbot hat and guns! I know it probably isn't politically correct to give my 2 year guns but everybody keeps reminding me that we live in Oklahoma!
At the school fall festival, there were games to play in each class room. Afte ryou played you got to pick candy. All the teachers kept telling Harry to take more and didn't argue. I am a little worried about tomorrow night while trick or treating that harry will insist on more than 1 piece. He seemed to get a hang off that by the end of the night.
The school also has a custome contest, Harry got ROBBED! A different cowboy won and he didn't even have boots on! He was wearing sneakers! Butch and I have decided that the judge must not have seen Harry. Why? you ask. Well, I left Butch in charge of taking Harry to the panel. He told me as we were leaving school that while they were judging him and Harry were sitting on the steps reading a book. That is Harry's favorite spot we assume because he is always there when we pick him up. I got a little annoyed but am trying to control it.
I was not able to assist Butch and the udging panel because I, Nancy Hillman, was choosen to be a judge in the 3 year old room. I will never accept this duty again!! It was heartbreaking! I knew all the kids wanted to win and they were all so cute! All the custome were store bought so it was a matter of the cutest kid with the personality to match thier outfit. SUPERMAN WON!!! He was really cute. I stood in one spot for us to 2 judge for atleast 5 minutes. The funny thing was I think he was standing waiting for us to take his picture...he was saying CCCHHHHEEEEEEEEESSSSEEEEEEE the entire time.
Well, it is late I had an early day this morning. Tomorrow will be a new adventure of Harry that I am sure to remember for ever!