Monday, January 12, 2009


Well as most of you know Christmas is always exciting in our house. My mother had 15 people living in her house for a week. Some times I was glad I could go home to my own house but most of the time I was jealous that I had to go home at night.
Harry really enjoyed and got to know his cousins, all 6 boys. He had been looking forward to meeting Shea for a long time and was not disappointed. Tyler, Jared, and Sawyer also performed well and fulfilled Harry's every expectation of his cousins. He has asked several time since if they could come over for a playdate. I told him maybe in a few months.

Santa gave each of the boys flashlights in thier stockings. So every night the boys played outside until well after dark chasing each other around and aroundthe house. Actually, I think the big boys were playing hide-n-seek but harry thought it was who can do the most laps. Harry was just excited to be one of the BIG BOYS abd be outside after dark. It is amazing he has been so scared of the dark lately and suddenly during Christmas it wasn't a factor.

We did have a chance to have a girls night out. My mother, 3 sisters, and I went to see Benjamin Buttons and then had dinner at Michael Fusco's on the River restuarant. Movie was decent, Dinner was EXCELLANT! It is always nice to go out with my sisters for bonding time. The boys went to laser tag, bowlin, and dinner at Olive Garden.

We also had a opportunity to have a family picture taken. Yes we got a family picture of Butch, Harry and I but also the whole Johnson clan, yes all 18 of us went to the mall at the same time and posed for a photo. AMAZINGLY, we had no crying children this year!

Merry Christamas!

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